so it begins

2 min readDec 17, 2021
ta da! the first post.

I woke up this morning with one thing on my mind — start my new project off on the right foot and become the next super platform that people visit, spend hours on and rack up enough advertising points to pay my rent. Then I remembered that isn’t the point of Narrantish.

Becoming the next Facebook/Meta isn’t the plan. Membership isn’t part of the deal. Creating flow, ideas and a place to share them was the idea. I worked on a few things that had absolutely nothing to do with Narrantish, and remembered why I left media sites to begin with — to get away from the batshit crazy oversharing of information that should never be shared on a social media site while screaming at the top of their lungs about drama. *cocks her head a bit to the side*

So I pulled out what was left of the half fermented “table” grapes, drank a few ounces of water and decided to rite about what narrantish is; instead you get this drivel which is exactly what I had no intention of doing in the first place.

So, let me begin again.

Hello! Welcome to the first post of Narrantish!

Narrantish is a place for me and my guy to share our twisted, sarcastic stories that echo through our minds and pour out as fictional flow to get us through our days while our Prime TV plays in the background and the snow falls from the secret mountains that seem to hover invisibly over our town. (Yeah, I know. It makes no sense, nor is it really supposed to.)

So yeah, welcome to Narrantish.

